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Cup of tea to illustrate Mackman Research's work with Twinings

The Research Project

Our research team interviewed key international wholesale buyers on behalf of Twinings. The survey measured overall customer satisfaction levels and their experience of dealing with Twinings' international customer services. Questions were based around customer satisfaction and perceptions of the company's international customer services. As well as offering a prize incentive, Twinings donated money to Save the Children for each completed questionnaire.

Mackman has worked professionally at all times, enabling clear presentation of the results to identify key trends and areas for growth and improvement of the Customer Services team now and in the future.

Sharlene Moffitt, International Customer Services Manager - Twinings

She added the work had "proved to be an invaluable tool for helping Twinings shape the future of the Customer Services we deliver."

Twinings will use the findings to inform their decisions and company practice.

We are really proud to include Twinings in our list of clients and enjoy working with Sharlene and her team. Customer service is high on people's agendas because it is a key way to differentiate yourselves from your competitors. Leading firms are using surveys like this as part of their growth strategy and they want to outsource to a specialist.

Dr. Gemma Mackman, Research Director - Mackman Research

Mackman have been commissioned to carry out the annual survey since 2007 and have gained a significant understanding of how Twinings' international customer base and tea / ovaltine operations perform.

The online survey makes contact with Twinings' customers from countries across the world, from Brazil to Australia. The annual satisfaction survey is live for three weeks in July to help the company improve customer service levels to meet customer requirements.

The Twinings brand is highly regarded across the world and Twinings know the importance of customer satisfaction to their global business. The year on year comparative results have proved highly beneficial to Twinings operations, especially during a period of change. Twelve-monthly comparative results are important to any business that needs to take a look at continuous customer satisfaction levels, because they give early indications of areas which need development. This type of research can also increase customer loyalty and is great at strengthening the supplier client relationship.

Dr. Gemma Mackman, Research Director - Mackman Research

The Research Design & Methodology

Mackman Research has worked with Twinings to conduct an international online survey for six consecutive years. The annual survey is centred on their clients' customer satisfaction and knowledge of customer services. The survey measures the overall satisfaction levels of customers and their experience of dealing with international customer services. The online survey method is used to survey clients in 70 countries worldwide.

The questionnaire has been amended and improved year on year to reflect changes in the company and to take in to account the preceding year's results.

Mackman Research was supplied with a copy of the Twinings' customer contact database and all customer contacts were emailed and invited to take part in the online survey. The online survey was 'live' over the course of two weeks and a one week extension was agreed, when a low response rate was documented after two weeks. In specific cases, a faxed copy of the questionnaire was used to make certain a response was gathered.

Research Outcomes

The comparative data demonstrates levels of satisfaction over a twelve-monthly period and the results are cross tabulated to show differences between product and market. The results of the international customer services satisfaction survey continue to help support and monitor improvement to Twinings' customer services, coinciding with an important time in their business strategy. We provided a PowerPoint presentation version of the results in addition to the standard comprehensive report.

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